The retirement you deserve
Sunny days with your grandchildren. Endless travel. A lasting philanthropic legacy. However you picture your retirement, our advisers can help you achieve it — and more.From first pennies to cashing in your pot
Whatever stage you’re at, we can help. We’ve got decades of financial wisdom to draw on. And with our digital customer portal, you can securely message your adviser any time, any place, anywhere. A stress-free journey to a better retirement than you thought possible. That’s the Benchmark difference.

Get ahead
The sooner you start thinking about your retirement prospects, the better they’ll be. We can support you at every stage of the planning process.

Make your money last
Pensions are more flexible now than ever before. But they’re also more complicated. We’ll find the right plan for you, so you can breathe easy knowing you’ll always have us by your side.

Share the wealth
Pensions can benefit not just you, but your whole family. If you’d like to help future generations flourish, we can help you gift some of your pension as inheritance, or even set up a pension for your children.

Boost your income
Annuities. Income portfolios. Property. Our team of advisers keep your money working so you don’t have to.

Face to face or virtual
We’re always here for you on our secure client portal. But we know people need people, too. We’ll meet you virtually or over a coffee – you choose.

Maximum security
Your financial details are safe with us. We offer a level of security you’d normally only find at a FTSE 100 firm – including protecting your personal data.
Not sure if you need pension advice? Ask yourself three questions:

Do I know how much money I need?
Not just to retire, but to live the life you want, for as long as you want. If you’re not sure what you should be saving, when you can stop work, or whether your money will last, we can help.

Do I understand the ins and outs of pensions?
Annuities versus lump sums. Consolidating different pots. How to make the most of tax efficiencies. We’ll navigate the nuances and get the very best out of your pension.

Is there something I’ve always wanted to do?
Planning for your retirement isn’t just sensible. It can also be about fun. From a daredevil new hobby to the self-build you’re finally going to start, we’ll help you live the retirement you deserve.
Need help answering these questions?
Our dedicated advisers are happy to help.