My Fusion Wealth

You'll find all the information you need about our platform here. If you have any questions or need a hard copy of any of these documents, please contact your adviser, or our Customer Services team on the contact details below if you do not have an adviser.

Fusion Wealth enquiries

You can call us on 01403 334477 or email us at, we're here Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.

Key documents

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Your agreement with us

Slide 1 of 2
Custody agreement
Product governance


Slide 1 of 8
Guide to Fusion Wealth literature
Product wrapper guide
Guide to risk
Guide to transfers
Investor protection guide
JISA rollover guide
Guide to proxy voting
Guide to flexible ISAs

Important policies

Slide 1 of 3
Conflicts of interest policy
Best execution policy
Treating customers fairly

Fusion Wealth SIPP

Key documents

Slide 1 of 2

Fusion Wealth SIPP

Slide 1 of 2
Tax information guide
Permitted investment schedule